
Why Membership

Membership at Sojourn is not a mere formality, but a genuine two-way commitment between you and Carlisle. It means that you are a part of our family. It means you belong with us.

Membership means we are committed to you.

As a member, you have a promise—not just from our pastors and leaders, but from all other members—that we will love and care for you. We will build you up in Jesus, speak the truth to you, encourage you, and welcome you in. We will treat you like the brother or sister you are to us in Christ.

Membership means you are committed to us.

When you become a member, you promise to care for the church by joining in on our mission, to serve and give, and to build up our body in Christ.

Upcoming Membership Classes

  • Membership Class

    March 22 09:30 AM

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Who Should Become a Member?

Church membership is God's desire and expectation for all Christians. We are all called to belong to a church, not just by attending, but by committing ourselves with our words and actions.

If you attend Carlisle but are not a member yet, pursue membership by attending a membership class.

Already taken the class but have additional questions? We'd love to talk.

Membership Requirements

Membership Class

The first step to becoming a member at Carlisle (or simply learning more about membership) is to attend one of our membership classes. You can see upcoming classes below.

During our membership class, we'll talk about the history of Sojourn, our beliefs and mission, and our ministries. It's an opportunity to learn, but also to become confident about the church before you commit.

Membership Interview

Following your membership class, you’ll be invited to meet with a leader for a membership interview. Don’t worry—this isn't a theology quiz. This is simply a time for us to get to know your story more personally. We want to hear your testimony of faith in Jesus and belief in the gospel. We also make space to answer any questions you may have about our membership covenant.

Membership Covenant

After your membership interview, we'll ask you to formalize your commitment by signing a copy of our membership covenant. This covenant lists in detail how your church commits to you and how you're committing to your church, namely, by promising to come, serve, give, submit to church authority, and build up the body of the church with your actions.