Media & Resources

Sojourn Carlisle VBS 2024 | God's Eternal Kingdom

July 22, 2024


This year's VBS was one for the books! We had over 50 kids attend, and we spent the week talking about God's Eternal Kingdom. As you would expect from a Sojourn Carlisle VBS, fun was had, songs were sang, crafts were made, and the Gospel was shared with these precious kids. 


Each day we learned a different aspect of the character of God through the story of King David. We learned that God loves us and chose us, he is powerful, is with us, forgives us, and deserves our praise. What amazing truths to get to share with the kids at VBS each and every day! 


Throughout the week the kids worked together to learn the memory verse that we focused on. "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love." Psalm 34:8


It's so easy to be tempted to think that God is angry with us or that we will get in trouble if we come to him when we have sinned, but through this verse we were able to rehearse a different truth with the kids as well as ourselves. The Lord used this week to not only reveal himself to all of the kids that attended the VBS, but also reveal himself to all of the servants that took time out of their schedules to make this VBS happen. 


Leading up to VBS, we had a few different needs that we were praying the Lord would meet. We had several supplies we needed for decorations, game time, and crafts as well as food to serve to the kids and the servants each afternoon for lunch. We also had many unfilled servant positions that were essential to being able to run the VBS safely and effectively. As we continued to share these needs with our church body and pray that God would provide to meet our needs, one by one each was met in various ways. So many members at the church selflessly gave to provide the supplies that we needed, JCPS supplied us with more that enough lunches as well as breakfasts for each of the kids each day, and we were able to have enough volunteers for all 5 days of our VBS.


God abundantly met our needs and used this time as an encouragement that he hears our prayers and cares for us. 

Thank you (times 100) to everyone who contributed to this year's VBS. Whether you spent time during your week with the kids playing games, making crafts, or keeping them safe as they went from one station to the next, or contributed to the supplies needed, or prayed for us as we prepared and spent the week facilitating, your contribution was felt and deeply appreciated. The effort to tell over 50 kids about God's love for them is never in vain. It was a blessing to be able to love on all of the kids that showed up, and we pray that they will look back on their time at VBS and remember how they were cared for and loved. 


See y'all next year!